Ibility - DIY Series Collection
The DIY series is a product design to introduce the traditional crochet techniques to different audiences to participate. Each DIY pack contains with tools and materials. Count to Ten responsible for its gift-box packaging design with an essence of “Gift-giving”. Mohawk Via Vellum, high quality paper was chosen as its packaging with three size of boxes selection, so to capable for different DIY products. Additionally, Count to Ten created instruction manuals and short films for each DIY product.
"DIY 系列是 Ibility為了讓更多人接觸鉤織工藝而推出的一款產品,產品包含所有的工具和材料,讓客人在購買後自行製作。Count to Ten 負責此產品的內外包裝設計,因應產品具有送禮的特質,我們為包裝設計選用優質日本紙。並且根據產品的大小屬性,設計了三種不同大小的包裝盒,以適用於所有DIY產品。 此外,我們亦負責每件DIY產品的說明書製作和教學短片製作。"
Creative Concept & Ideas | @Count to Ten.
Art Direction | @Count to Ten.
Packaging Design | @Count to Ten.
VM Display Design | @Count to Ten.