Duraflex - Demonstration Box "Trimspedia"
Duraflex is the world’s leading brand in different accessories for outdoor sporting goods. With the aim to present its diversified product line, features and strengthens to their clients, Count to Ten developed the demonstration box "Trimspedia", which inspired by cabinets, for storing the accessories and product book. The design of the drawers with the paper “hanger” which allowed the brand to show the actual samples intuitively and ordered. The product book showed how the accessories could apply to the common products, also presenting with images and articles in concise way.
"Duraflex 是全球領先的運動服飾扣具、拉鏈和相關配件供應商。為了將旗下產品的種類、特點及優勢以更佳的方式向其客戶展示,Count to Ten 為Duraflex設計於演示使用的展示盒 「Trimspedia」及產品書刊,包括排版、書本結構設計、封面設計等。
我們從服飾櫃取得靈感,將七個類型的實物配件及產品書刊分別以不同間隔收納。配件以「衣架」方式掛起並收藏於展示盒中,可供快速整理及展示;產品書刊中則列出品牌配件於常見物品上之應用例子,並以簡潔圖文介紹各款配件的特點。 "
Creative Concept & Ideas | Count to Ten
Art Direction | Count to Ten
Book Design | Count to Ten
Packaging Design | Count to Ten